About Us

Welcome to our small holding in the heart of the Cotswolds! We're a small family-run operation that takes pride in our commitment to sustainability and low-impact living. Our farm is home to a variety of animals, including Boer goats, tufted Toulouse geese, Chickens, Ducks, and Guinea pigs. We love taking care of our animals and ensuring they're living happy and healthy lives.

Our journey towards low-impact living began when we realized the impact that our actions had on the environment. We started taking small steps towards reducing our carbon footprint and waste, and soon we found ourselves drawn towards sustainable living. We've since been on a mission to make our small holding as eco-friendly as possible.

Our animals play a huge role in this mission. We believe that raising them in a natural, stress-free environment results in better quality produce and is better for the planet. Our Boer goats are grass-fed and raised without the use of antibiotics or hormones, and our geese are free-range and given plenty of space to roam. Our chickens, ducks, and guinea pigs are also raised in the same way.

In addition to our animals, we also have two dogs and a cat who are part of our family. We believe that animals are an important part of any small holding and contribute to the overall well-being of the farm.

We love sharing our knowledge and experiences with others who are interested in sustainable living. We're always happy to chat with visitors about our animals and our journey towards a low-impact lifestyle.